Honestly, not a lot. Getting sick, being brain dead, likely elevating something in some realm or other because, girrrrrl let me tell you, I’ve been T I R E D. But that’s just the way of the world lately.
Honestly been working on my relationship with the digital landscapes, and social media. Feeling less and less invested in an image and more invested in making myself happy, and drawing how I want to, the endless pursuit. I, as always, have no clue what I am doing, and more am rambling back and forth to myself. Lately the comics have been calling, so the path has been experimental and really positive for me to expand in a way I always have really enjoyed. I like to stretch my boundaries in simplicity, or adding more depth, taking away things I may normally want. Do I like it more blocky? Do I like it less realistic? Frick if I know. But in these times I always remember my fave gal, Lynda Barry, and her comic ruminating on her two questions.
Anyway here’s a dump of all my latest work!